North American 
Transportation Consultants Inc. 

Current Projects

Current Projects

At the present time, North American Transportation Consultants, Inc. (NATC) is performing several types of carrier monitoring services for its clients. These services include the monitoring of both private and certificated carrier operations for both shippers and carriers alike.

Private fleet operations are monitored by NATC at the request of parent companies and/or the carrier itself to ensure the information being recorded and reported by governmental agencies is accurate. Under this program, NATC monitors the carrier's accident information and roadside inspection information to ensure that only accurate data is placed in the carrier's file. This program has been very successful in assisting the carrier to improve both its accident ratio and vehicle inspection numbers.

Certificated carrier operations, which include both common and contract carriers, are monitored by
NATC to ensure that liability issues which arise from using such carriers are minimized. While most carriers are required under their contract to notify the shipper when a change occurs in their safety rating or other safety status, most carriers are reluctant to make such notification. This service is intended to ensure that such information is forwarded to the interested parties in an expeditious and accurate manner.

If you have unique requirements in this area, call NATC at (609) 426-0555